Program List

The number of (the)data : 4
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women

My Hot Sexless Lover


30-year-old Rei quit the real estate agency she started working at after college and
bootstrapped a company that offers an art subscription service. She starts dating a
younger, handsome freelance photographer named Shuto, whom she met at a shared
office. Although she’s on cloud nine with her nearly perfect boyfriend, she’s
bewildered by how he won’t even kiss her or give her any after just two months of
dating. But Shuto the “Sexy Boyfriend” seemingly has a side to him that he
doesn’t show Rei. Just what sort of guy is he?
Witness the struggle of a 30-year-old woman trying to change herself into a “new me”!

서른 살의 레이는 대학 졸업 후 입사한 부동산 회사를 퇴사하고 새롭게 결심하여
친구와 함께 「아트 전문의 서브 스크립션 회사」를 설립한다.
코워킹오피스에서 만난 연하 훈남 프리 카메라맨 슈토와 사귀게 되고 한껏 마음이
들뜨는 레이지만 사귄 지 두 달이 지나도 슈토는 키스조차 해주지 않는데….
훈남에 모든 것이 완벽하지만 “키스조차 해주지 않는” 연하남친이 레이는 답답하다.
하지만, 그런 “섹시한 남친” 슈토에게도 레이에게는 보여주지 못하는 사연이
슈토는 도대체 어떤 남자일까?
“새로운 나”로 업데이트하려고 애태우는 30대 한 여성의 인생 분투기!


  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Romance

My Fair Prince


My Fair Prince" is a drama about the lead character, Izumi Hidaka who challenges to make Wataru Igarashi to be the ideal man. The story is a complete original one comparable to the reverse version of “My Fair Lady” with dazzling and romantic storyline. 36 years old Izumi is the president of a venture company involved in the creation of “otome games” (a general term for romantic games for women). Izumi became an up-and-coming manager after the game she creates based on the theme of falling in love with her ‘perfect’ male character ‘Kento-sama’ becomes an exceptionally big hit. One night, this ideal character literally "descends from the sky" in front of Izumi and hugs her. Izumi is stunned by the unbelievable turn of events, but what’s even more is the fact that he looks exactly like ‘Kento-sama.’ However, Wataru is a prince who is impolite, uneducated, unenthusiastic, and has never loved anyone before. Izumi is very disappointed, but a chance encounter leads her to say, "I will raise you to be the ideal man!” She hires him to teach not only work, but also language, manners, knowledge, and even how to live and fall in love...

  • Action
  • Detective
  • Entertainment

  • Action
  • Detective
  • Entertainment


The No. 4 Mobile Investigation Unit was quickly pieced together as part of reform efforts to overhaul the police organization. There, a wild maverick of a cop, Ibuki, gets paired with a serenely composed partner, Shima. Their role is to be on call 24 hours to fill in gaps in police shifts by investigative Units 1 to 3, to be the first investigators on crime scene and to risk their lives for a perfect criminal apprehension rate. In an increasingly morally relativistic world, questions such as “What is real justice” are posed in thrillingly fast-paced and comical whodunit fare with each episode a complete story.

警察組織の働き方改革の一環で作られた臨時部隊「第4機動捜査隊」。 破天荒な野生児・伊吹と、冷静沈着な志摩はバディを組むことになる。 現存する第1~第3機捜のシフトの穴埋めをするのが彼らの役割で 24時間という勤務の中、どんな事件も現場に急行、初動捜査に当たる、犯人検挙に全てを賭けるプロフェッショナルである。 この多様化した時代に「正義とは何か」を改めて問う、スピーディーにスリリングに そして時にコミカルに展開する1話完結形式の「機捜エンターテインメント」。

경찰 조직의 업무개혁 일환으로 만들어진 임시 부대「제4기동 수사대」
전대미문의 야생아 이부키와 침착하고 냉정한 시마는 한조를 이루게 된다.
현존하는 3개의 기동수사대의 교대 근무 인원 보충을 하는 것이 그들의 역할로 24시간이라는 근무환경 속에서 그 어떤 사건도 현장으로 달려가 초동수사에 임하고 범인 검거에 모든 것을 거는 전문가이다.
다양화한 시대에「정의란 무엇인가?」를 다시 한번 묻는다. 스피디하고 스릴감 있게 때로는 코믹하게 전개하는 1회 완결 형식의「기동수사 엔터테인먼트」


  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women



A 23-year-old rookie nurse falls hard for a doctor she’s long admired while experiencing the triumphs and tragedy of working on the front line of emergency medical care in a story offering hope for tomorrow. As a high school student, Nanase Sakura witnessed the miracle of Doctor Tendo saving a life, and has been enamored with him ever since. Inspired to become a nurse in hopes of meeting Tendo, she finally fulfills her dream only to learn that he is nicknamed “the Devil” and is super sadistic. Nevertheless, Nanase relentlessly expresses honest feelings toward him, which eventually begin to melt his iron-encased heart in this heartwarming, romantic comedy.

憧れの超ドS医師に恋をした23歳の“新米”看護師が、生と死がすぐ側にある“医療の現場”で懸命に働きながら、ときに喜び、ときに悩み苦しみながらも、希望ある明日を掴んでいく物語。 主人公・佐倉七瀬は、高校生の時に、医師・天堂が命を救う現場に出くわし、ひと目で恋に落ちてしまう。天堂に会いたい一心で看護師になった七瀬。しかし、念願叶って天堂に再会してみると、超ドS男子「通称・魔王」だということが発覚!?そんな天堂に対しても、七瀬はまっすぐに素直に思いを伝えつづける…七瀬のまっすぐさが、“魔王”天堂の鉄の心を溶かしていく胸キュン ラブ&コメディー!

동경하던 “초 도S” 의사를 사랑한 23살의 “신참” 간호사가 생과 사가 공존하는 “의료현장” 에서 열심히 근무하면서 때로는 기뻐하고 때로는 고민하면서도 희망찬 내일을 향해 나아가는 이야기. 주인공 사쿠라 나나세는 고등학교 시절 의사인 텐도가 환자의 생명을 구하는 현장을 보고 한눈에 반하게 된다. 텐도를 만나고 싶은 일념으로 간호사가 된 나나세. 하지만 소원을 이루고 텐도와 재회를 해보니 초 도S 남자「속칭・마왕」이라는 것을 알게 되는데!? 그런 텐도에게도 나나세는 솔직하고 꾸밈없이 자신의 감정을 계속 전한다. 나나세의 순수함이 “마왕” 텐도의 냉철한 마음을 녹여가는 심쿵 러브 코미디!
